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Lansweeper Cloud Source Connector for CI Synchronizer

Lansweeper Cloud leverages the world-class discovery technology to bring much greater value to the Lansweeper Discovery data historically only available On-Premise. 

Lansweeper Cloud increases visibility of the data across your organization. It provides a significantly improved user interface, reporting capability, SSO and role-based access controls (RBAC) for data partitioning within your organization.

Lansweeper Cloud sources the primary discovery data from your existing Lansweeper On-Premise SQL database by replicating the on-premise data to your cloud site. Lansweeper Cloud enhances your discovery data with the following new record types that enrich the data and increase the value across the organization:

  • Lifecycle Insights

  • Risk Insights

The CI Synchronizer connector for Lansweeper Cloud takes your Lansweeper On-Premise data with the enhanced Cloud data and intelligently combines these into your CMDB. In this way the CI Synchronizer connector for Lansweeper Cloud is an augmentation connector which delivers the best of both datasets (Lansweeper On-Premise and Lansweeper Cloud) and ensures your ServiceNow has access to the maximum range of data to drive actionable outcomes for your service management and cyber security teams.

Works with Lansweeper On-Premise and Lansweeper Cloud
CI Synchronizer augments the wealth of data in your Lansweeper On-Premise SQL database with additional data only available in Lansweeper Cloud. CI Synchronizer correlates assets between the two sources to create a unified CI within the CMDB.
Augments your CMDB with Lifecycle Insights
Lansweeper Cloud now shows hardware End-of-Life and End-of-Support dates, as well as the status of your operating systems or firmware. The CI Synchronizer connector for Lansweeper Cloud augments CI records (for the same asset records) with the asset lifecycle data making this information available for reporting, capital refresh planning and actionable to your ITSM and ESM workflows within in ServiceNow.
Augments your CMDB with Risk Insights
Lansweeper Cloud draws on information from the NIST database to provide visibility to all known vulnerabilities threatening your fleet. Lansweeper Cloud display a list of the known CVEs per IT asset. The CI Synchronizer connector for Lansweeper Cloud augments CI records (for the same asset records) with the CVE details making this critical security information visible in reports and dashboards actionable to your ITSM workflows within ServiceNow.


Frequently Asked Questions

CI Synchronizer (Professional Edition) provides a comprehensive solution for CMDB automation with out-of-the-box support for a large range of asset/record types and CI-to-CI relationships, a range of source and destination connectors, and rapid deployment.

CI Synchronizer (Enterprise Edition) offers everything in Professional Edition along with advanced customisation options, several additional features such as Application Service Mapping, Digital Certificate syncing, additional related lists and and support for larger and more complex data synchronisation requirements. Enterprise Edition also allows for bespoke configuration of CMDB data rules and support for additional Azure regions.

Many! Check out each source connector page for details of the supported assets and other records.

No custom tables are required, unless you are synchronizing Digital Certificate data or CVE data from Lansweeper in which case Syncfish will discuss the options for persisting those record sets in a suitable table in ServiceNow.

Yes. CI Synchronizer can detect which source records have changed since the previous synchronisation job and only sync the newly changed source data.

Throughput is affected by factors outside of the control of CI Synchronizer, however we see a typical throughput of between 200,000 and 400,000 records per hour (and even higher rates are possible).

Yes. CI Synchronizer has a highly customisable rules engine. Such changes are made by Syncfish.

Yes. Please use the “Organise a Demo” button or visit the Contact Us page to book a time to meet with one of the Syncfish team.

No. Each customer is provisioned with a dedicated CI Synchronizer instance.

Ultimately the customer decides, however Syncfish recommends hosting each customer instance physically close to the location of their ServiceNow instance (for best performance). It can be hosted in most/all Azure Regions globally (it is still hosted/managed/maintained by Syncfish, but the customer decides which geography it is physically located in).

No. The source asset data (read from the relevant source system by one of the CI Synchronizer connectors) is transited through your dedicated CI Synchronizer instance then deleted after it’s been processed into ServiceNow.

    Find out more

    Talk with us to find discover CI Synchronizer, the available connectors and the services we offer to help you achieve CMDB excellence.

    Book a Demo

    Schedule a demo. See up close how CI Synchronizer works and how quickly you can start syncronising your IT Asset data into your CMDB.

    Request a Trial

    Syncfish offers customers the chance to trial CI Synchronizer. Contact Sales or book a demo to find out how to get setup with a trial.