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Lansweeper Source Connector for CI Synchronizer

Lansweeper is a platform for efficient and comprehensive IT asset discovery. With detailed precision, it discovers all of your organisational infrastructure, providing a centralised solution for tracking, managing, and optimising IT resources.

Combining Lansweeper with CI Synchronizer provides an incredible tool-set to discover your organisation’s IT assets and then automatically synchronise them into your CMDB to underpin your organisation’s IT operations.

The integration with Lansweeper requires limited configuration to connect with your on-premise Lansweeper instance. All that is needed is a set of user credentials to access your Lansweeper SQL-Server database and you are up and running.

  • Supports multiple Lansweeper instances.

  • Supports delta synchronisations by maintaining checksums of the last successfully synchronised version of every record.

App screenshot
Extensive Asset Mapping
Extracts and synchronises 37 classes of base assets from your Lansweeper instance.
Related Assets
Generates comprehensive asset configuration details and generates the corresponding related lists within your CMDB, ensuring an accurate representation in your configuration items.
Software Inventory
Retrieves information on installed software and automatically generates the corresponding software package and software instance records in your CMDB to maintain an up-to-date software inventory.
Dynamically Generates CI-to-CI Relationships
Detects 105 discrete dependency types between your Lansweeper resources and generates the corresponding relationships in your CMDB.
Duplicate Handling
Automatically filters out any duplicate/scanning error records from the synchronisation to prevent duplicates in your CMDB.
Advanced record types
CI Synchronizer can synchronize Digital Certificates, Windows Services and Windows Hotfixes/Patches. Customised rules, defined by the customer, are used to filter high value Digital Certificates and Windows Services (to remove “noise” and only sync important records). CI Synchronizer interprets dependencies between asset and digital certificates and sets CI-to-CI Relationships in ServiceNow.


Frequently Asked Questions

CI Synchronizer (Professional Edition) provides a comprehensive solution for CMDB automation with out-of-the-box support for a large range of asset/record types and CI-to-CI relationships, a range of source and destination connectors, and rapid deployment.

CI Synchronizer (Enterprise Edition) offers everything in Professional Edition along with advanced customisation options, several additional features such as Application Service Mapping, Digital Certificate syncing, additional related lists and and support for larger and more complex data synchronisation requirements. Enterprise Edition also allows for bespoke configuration of CMDB data rules and support for additional Azure regions.

Many! Check out each source connector page for details of the supported assets and other records.

Yes. CI Synchronizer can detect which source records have changed since the previous synchronisation job and only sync the newly changed source data.

Throughput is affected by factors outside of the control of CI Synchronizer, however we see a typical throughput of between 200,000 and 400,000 records per hour (and even higher rates are possible).

Yes. CI Synchronizer has a highly customisable rules engine. Such changes are made by Syncfish.

Yes. Please use the “Organise a Demo” button or visit the Contact Us page to book a time to meet with one of the Syncfish team.

No. Each customer is provisioned with a dedicated CI Synchronizer instance.

Ultimately the customer decides, however Syncfish recommends hosting each customer instance physically close to the location of their ServiceNow instance (for best performance). It can be hosted in most/all Azure Regions globally (it is still hosted/managed/maintained by Syncfish, but the customer decides which geography it is physically located in).

No. The source asset data (read from the relevant source system by one of the CI Synchronizer connectors) is transited through your dedicated CI Synchronizer instance then deleted after it’s been processed into ServiceNow.

    Find out more

    Talk with us to find discover CI Synchronizer, the available connectors and the services we offer to help you achieve CMDB excellence.

    Book a Demo

    Schedule a demo. See up close how CI Synchronizer works and how quickly you can start syncronising your IT Asset data into your CMDB.

    Request a Trial

    Syncfish offers customers the chance to trial CI Synchronizer. Contact Sales or book a demo to find out how to get setup with a trial.